Tuesday, January 18, 2011

As If I Were to Begin Again: An Introduction

I haven't posted anything up here for a while, and I feel that warrants some time spent re-introducing myself and my intentions before I just start throwing crap back up here all willy-nilly. While I assume that, at first, everyone reading this post already knows me, either in person or through this blog, maybe those people (you people, that is) will learn something new. In any case, I get to talk about myself, which I like to do (and I don't think that's a revelation to anyone).

As of this moment, I'm Shannon Rhae McKibben, a 24 year old Junior in Chemical and Biological Engineering at Colorado State University in Fort Collins. I got into engineering as a foundation for work in Sustainable Development and stayed for the beer, which fuels me when the idealism ebbs.

I've lived in Colorado my entire life, and traveled around the world a bit. I'm a reasonably avid homebrewer and my favorite baby is an oatmeal stout named Night Runner. My hobbies run to backpacking, bellydancing, brewing, writing, drawing, and distractions. I'm trying to learn how to play pool, but the results are debatable. I wash my hair with baking soda, eat a lot of cheese and truck on in an abusive love affair with inappropriately high-heeled shoes.

My purpose in writing this blog is to get a job. No, not really--although that would be nice, wouldn't it? There are a grillion beer blogs out there, and many of them have been useful to me, so maybe I can be useful to someone here (who came from out there). I'm planning on posting once or twice a week at first, and then possibly more frequently, depending on my school schedule. Mostly, I just need to write as an excuse to comprehensively reflect on my own explorations into the growing culture of the craft brewing industry. If those reflections entertain or otherwise stir something in you, dear reader, then more's the better--I like to entertain as well.

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